Deadlock Bebop Best Build and Guide

Deadlock Bebop Best Build and Guide

In Deadlock, Bebop is one of the strongest characters that players can pick. Bebop’s ability to hook enemy players, push, and gank other lanes is what makes him so good. He is great for both early and late game. The downside of Bebop is that you need a lot of practice and skill in order to do combos, so it is not recommended for new players.

Bebop Abilities

Exploding Uppercut Exploding Uppercut

Deal Light Melee damage to nearby units and send them flying back, causing area damage where they land. Does not damage allies.

  • 0 Uppercut Damage
  • 14m Landing Radius
  • 80 Area Damage
  • 20s CD
1 AP2 AP5 AP
-11s CooldownOn Uppercut enemy Hero, gain fast spin-up time, 2x range, and +60% weapon damage for 12sOn Uppercut enemy Hero, set Hook cooldown to 0 and instantly +100% bullets to your current clip

Sticky Bomb Bebop Skill Sticky Bomb

Attach a Sticky Bomb to a tar*t that deals damage after a short fuse time. Gain +2.5% damage for every enemy hit.

  • 6m Range
  • 12m Radius
  • 18s CD
  • 120 Damage
  • 3s Fuse Time
1 AP2 AP5 AP
-8s Cooldown+80 DamageOn Attach, disarms the target for 3.5s

Hook Bebop Skill Hook

Launch out a that grabs and reels in the first enemy hero it hits, dealing damage. Target will be placed where you are facing. Cast using [5] to target friendly heroes.

  • 35m Range
  • 40 Damage
  • 22s CD
1 AP2 AP5 AP
Bebop deals 30% more bullet damage against hooked enemies for 10s+30m Cast Range-12s Cooldown

Hyper Beam Hyper Beam

Charge up your laser to unleash a powerful torrent of energy that deals damage and slows enemies’ movement dashes. You have slow movement and turn rate for the duration. If activated in the air, you will hover while unleashing the

  • 8s Duration
  • 2.9m Beam Width
  • 110s CD
  • 220 DPS
  • 70m Beam Length
  • On Hit: 40% Movement Slow
1 AP2 AP5 AP
-40s Cooldown+100 DPSHyper Beam heals Bebop for 100% of its damage on Heroes. 33% on non-hero.

Deadlock Bebop Build

There are a lot of great builds available for Bebop. What builds you will choose depends on the situation. The items for build you select will be influenced by your in-game circumstances, including who you’re playing against and your role in the game—whether you’ll focus on spirit play or right-clicking. Additionally, there are plenty of situational items to consider. The build we suggest is excellent for beginners, but if you really want to excel, we recommend learning about all the items. This knowledge will help you decide which ones to buy for Bebop to maximize his potential and impact.

Bebop Glass Cannon Build

Bebop Glass Cannon Build

Ability Point Order

Exploding UppercutSticky BombHookHyper Beam
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock

Bebop Items Build

WeaponVitalitySpiritSituational Items
Early GameSwift StrikerBullet LifestealSprint BootsMystic BurstBullet Resist  ShredderSpirit StrikeHealing BoosterExstra Regen 1Healing Rate
Mid GameBurst FireTesla Bullets Intensifying MagazineEnchanter'sBarrierVeil WalkerCombat BarrierEnduring SpeedSilence GlyphPristine EmblemSilance GlyphKnockdown
Late GameGlass Cannon Vampiric BurstSiphon BulletsLeechCurseInhibitor

Bebop Spirit Build

Bebop Spirit Build

Ability Point Order

Exploding UppercutSticky BombHookHyper Beam
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock

Bebop Items Build

WeaponVitalitySpiritSituational Items
Early GameExstra StaminaMystic BurstMystic Reach Extra SpiritHealing RateMelee LifestealSpirit Strike
Mid GameSoul Shredder BulletsFleetfootMelee ChargeEnchanter'sBarrierSpirit Armor Bullet ArmorImproved Cooldown
Late GameWrap StoneImproved Bullet ArmorImproved Spirit ArmorFortitudeSuperior StaminaImproved BurstImproved ReachSurge of PowerImproved SpiritSuperior CooldownEcho ShardMystic ReverbBoundless Spirit

Bebop Weapon Stats

DPS: 66
Bullet Damage: 5.3
Ammo: 66

Bullets per Second: 12.5
Light Melee: 63
Heavy Melee: 116

Bebop Vitality Stats

Max Health: 650
Health Regen: 3
Bullet Resist: 10%
Stamina: 3

Spirit Resist: 0%
Move Speed: 6.2 m/s
Sprint Speed: 3 m/s

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