Deadlock Lady Geist Best Build and Guide

Deadlock Lady Geist Best Build and Guide

In Deadlock, Lady Geist is a strong but hard character to play for most people. The reason is that it does not have an automatic weapon like most characters, but it has a pistol. So on the laning stage, you will need a lot of skill in order to kill creeps and avoid getting denied. Her ultimate is great, but it is extremely situational. What makes her ultimate hard to use is her small range, and most of the heroes have high mobility, so you will have a hard time swapping health. Overall, she is a great hero, but may not be suitable for new players.

Lady Geist Abilities

Essence Bomb Essence Bomb

Sacrifice some of your health to launch a bomb that deals damage after a brief arm time. Self damage type is Spirit and can be mitigated.

  • 7m Radius
  • 100 Damage
  • 10.5s CD
  • 0.5s Arming Duration
  • 30 Self Damage
1 AP2 AP5 AP
+2m Radius+60 DamageBombs leave a toxic mess on the ground, dealing 26% of the original damage per second, for 6s.

Life Drain Life Drain

Causes a tether that drains enemy health over time and heals you. Target must be in line of sight and within max range to drain. You can shoot and use other abilities during the drain, but your movement speed is reduced by half. Press [2] to cancel.

  • 20m Range
  • 2s Duration
  • 42s CD
  • 30m Max Tether Range
  • 35 Damage per Second
1 AP2 AP5 AP
+20 Damage Per Second+2s DurationEnemy is Silenced while being Life Drained (requires line of sight)

Malice Malice

Sacrifice some of your health to launch blood shards that apply a stack of Malice. Each stack slows the victim and increases the damage they take from you. The slow effect decreases over time.

  • 3 Blood Shards
  • 5 Max Stacks
  • 6.25s CD
  • 32 Health to Damage
  • 16s Debuff Duration
  • 6s Slow Duration
  • 15% Damage Amp per Stack
1 AP2 AP5 AP
-3s Cooldown+40 Health to Damage+6 Blood Shards

Soul Exchange Soul Exchange

Swaps health levels with an enemy target. There is a minimum health percentage that enemies can be brought down to and a minimum amount of health received based on victims current health.

  • 7m Range
  • 0.2s Cast Time
  • 170s
  • 30% Enemy Min Health
  • 30% Min Health Received
1 AP2 AP5 AP
-40s CD-10% Enemy Min HealthOn cast, +40% Fire Rate and +40% Spirit Resist for 8s.

Deadlock Lady Geist Build

For Lady Geist, you can create weapon damage or an essence bomb build. Based on our testing, we recommend that you build the Essence bomb build because it is easier to use and provides a fast burst compared to the weapon damage build. Also, it is easier for new players. There are some situational items that you will get for each build, so what you will choose all depends on the heroes that the enemy is using. It is recommended that you learn every item in the game and what it does so you will be able to optimize your build on the go. 

Lady Geist Mix Build

Lady Geist Mix Build

Ability Point Order

Essence BombLife DrainMaliceSoul Exchange
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock

Lady Geist Items Build

WeaponVitalitySpiritSituational Items
Early GameHeadshoot Booster 1Headshoot Booster 1High Velocity Mag 1Extra RegenExstra StaminaEnduring SpiritMystic ReachMystic BurstHealing Rate
Mid GameMystic ShotSoul Shredder BulletsHealbaneSpirited LifestealImproved CooldownMystic VulnerabilitySuppressor
Late GameHeadhuntersImproved Spirit ArmorSuperior StaminaImproved BurstImproved ReachMystic SlowSuperir CooldownWrap Stone
End GameFrenzySpiritual OverflowLeechEscalating ExposureMystic ReverbUnstoppable

Lady Geist Weapon Stats

DPS: 55
Bullet Damage: 25
Ammo: 13

Bullets per Second: 2.22
Light Melee: 63
Heavy Melee: 116

Lady Geist Vitality Stats

Max Health: 650
Health Regen: 1
Bullet Resist: 0
Stamina: 3

Spirit Resist: 0%
Move Speed: 6 m/s
Sprint Speed: 1 m/s

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