Deadlock Seven Best Build and Guide

Deadlock Seven Best Build and Guide

In Deadlock, Seven has one of the strongest ultimate abilities. With good placement and build, you can kill the whole enemy team by simply clicking Ultimate. Seven is an excellent character for new players because he has a strong laning phase, and in late game, he becomes a monster with his ultimate. On top of that, his first and third abilities will allow you to push lanes and farm creeps at incredible speed. Overall, Seven is a powerful character, but you have to practice timing and positioning when casting ultimate in order to get the most out of him.

Seven Abilities

Lightning Ball Lightning Ball

Shoots a ball of lightning that travels in a straight line. Does damage to all targets in its radius. Slows down when damaging enemies and stops if it hits the world.

  • 1 Charge
  • 4m Radius
  • 8s between charges
  • 23s CD
  • 5s Lifetime
1 AP2 AP5 AP
+1 Charges+40% Movement Slow+70 DPS

Static Charge Static Charge

Apply a charge to a target enemy hero. After a short duration, the static charge stuns and damages enemies within the radius.

  • 16m Range
  • 6m Radius
  • 42s CD
  • 1.1s Stun Duration
  • 3.5s Delay
  • 40 Damage
1 AP2 AP5 AP
-19s CD+8m Radius+1.1s Stun Duration

Power Surge Power Surge

Power up your weapon with a shock effect, making your bullets proc shock damage on your target. This shock damage bounces to enemies near your target. Occurs once per burst shot.

  • 10s Duration
  • 10m Jump Radius
  • 48s CD
  • 10 Shock Damage
  • 3 Max Jumps
1 AP2 AP5 AP
Shock Damage applies -15% Spirit Resist for 8s-16s CD+12 Shock Damage, improved Spirit scaling, and +3 Max Jumps

Storm Cloud Storm Cloud

Channel an expanding storm cloud around you that damages all enemies within its radius. Enemies do not take damage when they are out of line-of-sight. You have increased Bullet Resist during the channel.

  • 7s Channel Time
  • 25m Radius
  • 148s CD
  • 110 DPS
  • 12m Initial Radius
  • +20% Bullet Resist
1 AP2 AP5 AP
+35% Bullet Resist while channeling Storm Cloud+7s Channel Time and +10m Radius+75 DPS

Deadlock Seven Build

There are a lot of great builds available for Seven. The primary goal of every build for Seven is to boost Ultimate as much as possible. There are a lot of situational items that you will build based on the enemy team and what counters you when you are casting ultimate. This build is great for new players, but you have to learn every single item to know what to purchase against enemy heroes that are countering you. Otherwise, you will not be able to utilize his full potential. 

Seven Weapon Build

Seven Weapon Build

Ability Point Order

Lightning BallStatic ChargePower SurgeStorm Cloud
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock

Seven Items Build

WeaponVitalitySpiritSituational Items
Early Game
Mid Game
Late GameImproved Spirit Armor
End Game

Seven Spirit Build

Seven Spirit Build

Ability Point Order

Lightning BallStatic ChargePower SurgeStorm Cloud
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 1
Skill Points Deadlock 2
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock
Skill Points Deadlock 3
Skill Points Deadlock

Seven Items Build

WeaponVitalitySpiritSituational Items
Early GameHollow Point Ward 1Monster Rounds 1Enduring SpiritExtra SpiritMystic Reach
Mid GameSoul Shredder BulletsEnduring SpeedSpirited LifestealEnchanter'sBarrierDuration ExtenderImproved CooldownSuppressorMystic Vulnerability
Late GameTesla BulletsImproved ReachImproved SpiritSuperir CooldownImproved ReachImproved SpiritSuperir CooldownSuperior DurationMystic Slow
End GameUnstoppable
Boundless SpiritDiviners KevlarEscalating ExposureRefresher

Seven Weapon Stats

DPS: 70
Bullet Damage: 11.5
Ammo: 29

Bullets per Second: 6.12
Light Melee: 63
Heavy Melee: 116

Seven Vitality Stats

Max Health: 550
Health Regen: 1.5
Bullet Resist: 0
Stamina: 3

Spirit Resist: 0%
Move Speed: 7 m/s
Sprint Speed: 0 m/s

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