Dungeonborne: How to Extract – Escape

Dungeonborne How to Extract - Escape

Dungeonborne is a game where you fight players and loot gear and items. In order to save all the items that you have looted from players, chests and mobs, you have to extract. The issue is that players who are unfamiliar with extraction games may not know how to extract or escape. Therefore, in this guide, we will provide comprehensive instructions on extraction and escape techniques, ensuring you can preserve all your equipment.

Normal Extract Portals

Normal Portals in Dungeonborne

As the game goes on, the portal will start appearing. They will not be shown on the map, but you have to find them. You’ll recognize them—the blue circle on the ground. When you come near it, you must activate it. Once activated, simply enter inside with your character. 

There are a few things you need to be aware of when using these portals. The first thing to keep in mind is that other players can see on the map that you are activating the portal. To prevent that, you can pick up a teleportation scroll that will block signaling other players that you are activating a portal. You can find this by opening the map.

The second issue is that locating them at the game’s beginning will be challenging. At first, they will start spawning extremely slowly. When the game reaches the end, they will start spawning insanely fast, so you will definitely find one.

Portal Gates

Portal Gates

When you open the map, you will see some blue portals immediately on the map. They are locked at the start of the game, but after 5 minutes they will open, and you can extract them without activating the portal. So if you found some good gear, this is one of the best ways to extract it. The only downside is that there is a chance that other players will camp it. They want to escape fast also.

So be careful when you are going to these portals. Once a player extracts from this portal, it will be closed. You will recognize that the player escaped with this portal by looking at the map. If the portal changes color from blue to gray, it means that someone already used it to escape.

Dark Portals

If you find a red or purple portal, it will lead you to another stage of the map where you boss it. If you can not find a normal blue extraction portal, then I recommend you enter a dark portal. The reason is that there you will find blue portals for extraction.

It is risky because you have to juke and fight the boss for a few minutes until portals appear. Also, there is a chance that enemy players will be there. So use this method to extract only if you have no other option, like you are out of time or when the zone will kill you.

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